Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 125 kurikulum merdeka.
Pada halaman 125 buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka, terdapat Worksheet 2.24 yang berjudul “My First Snorkeling Experience”.
Teks ini menceritakan pengalaman Monita saat snorkeling di Taman Nasional Laut Bunaken.
Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 125 kurikulum merdeka
Berikut beberapa pertanyaan terkait teks tersebut beserta jawabannya:
1. Who sent Monita to go snorkeling in Bunaken National Marine Park?
Her school.
2. Why did Monita go to Manado?
She went to Manado to represent her school at a national storytelling competition.
3. When did Monita go for a snorkeling trip?
At the end of her stay in Manado during the national storytelling competition.
4. Who was with Monita during the snorkeling trip?
Other student participants and their teachers.
5. How did Monita and other students get to Bunaken island?
By motorboat from Manado harbor.
6. What were the snorkeling gears that Monita put on?
A mask, a snorkel, and fins.
7. In paragraph 2, who helped Monita to put on the snorkeling gears?
One of the participants.
8. What did Monita see underwater of Bunaken?
A variety of corals, fishes, and green sea turtles.
9. In paragraph 3, find a phrase which has similar meanings with a place where corals live.
House reef.
10. Why is it easy to find a house reef when the sky is blue and the water is clear?
Because clear water and blue skies provide good visibility underwater, making it easier to spot the house reef.
Pemahaman terhadap teks ini tidak hanya membantu dalam menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan memahami konteks dalam bahasa Inggris.
Selain itu, siswa dapat belajar kosakata baru dan struktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut.